Accessibility roadmap for Research Data

This page details all of the known accessibility issues affecting Research Data, the method that was used to find issues, and the plans in place to fix them.

Plans for fixing known accessibility issues

All of the issues that have been highlighted in this review will be fixed in a planned upgrade to this repository

Method for testing accessibility

This repository was tested using WAVE's web accessibility tool. This tool returns a comprehensive list of features that may limit the ability of users to access a website, especially those using assistive technology such as screen readers. We ran this tool on a version of the repository without branding customisation, covering the pages that users most frequently interact with.

Known accessibility issues, listed by page

These issues are listed by page. Pages that are publicly accessible are listed first, and those for repository administrators can be found lower down. The number in brackets following the description represents the number of instances of that issue on the page. Below is a list of all the accessibility issues known to affect Research Data with an explanation of what they mean.

Publicly accessible pages


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the homepage:


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the about page:


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the browse items page:

Item detail

The following accessibility issues are known to affect the item details page:

Deposit workflow - upload

The following accessibility issues are known to affect the 'upload' stage of the deposit workflow:

Deposit workflow - details

The following accessibility issues are known to affect the 'details' stage of the deposit workflow:

Deposit workflow - deposit

The following accessibility issues are known to affect the 'deposit' stage of the deposit workflow:


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the simple search page:

Advanced search

The following accessibility issues are known to affect the advanced search page:


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the user login page:


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the user profile page:

Pages for repository administrators

Manage deposits

The following accessibility issues are known to affect the manage deposits page:


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the review page:


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the admin page:

IR stats

The following accessibility issues are known to affect the IR stats reports page:


The following accessibility issues are known to affect the reports page:

Subject editor

The following accessibility issues are known to affect the subject editor: